
Weather, seasons, time

The earth is divided into four climate zones. It means the artic, moderate, subtropical and tropical zone.

    In artic zone the weather is very cold. There are hard frosts so there is lots of snow. For this zone are typical only two seasons – very long winter and very short summer. Winter takes almost nine months. Summer isn’t too warm it is as well cold. The artic zone isn’t too right for life because the day lasts half
a year and the night also lasts half a year, so many people suffer from psychical diseases. The country is still covered by snow so there aren’t live many animals and there aren’t plant a lot of vegetation.
We live in moderate zone. I think we can be lucky we live in it because it means that we have
four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The flora and the fauna in moderate zone are very rich. The moderate zone has the best conditions for the life. Many animals live here and the vegetation is really beautiful and fresh.
Now I will describe the year’s seasons. I will start with spring.
    Spring begins on the twenty-first of March. In spring snow melts and the nature wakes up from winter sleep. The days get longer and the nights are shorter and shorter. In spring the weather is usually unpredictable because sometimes sun shines but sometimes can awful thunderstorms or floods come from the snow. After spring comes summer.
    Summer begins on the twenty-first of June. It is a period of long holidays. It is the warmest season in moderate zone. The temperature always rises above twenty-five degrees and the sky is often clear and bright. Rain and storms usually come after this dead calm. Summer is usually warm sometimes also dry but sometimes very rainy. In the morning there is always dew.
The end of summer is called Indian summer. It is very beautiful season when the sun still shines and the nature is especially coloured. Indian summer is a period of fruit harvest. It is a beginning of autumn.
    Autumn begins on the twenty-third of September. The nature is still coloured. The leaves from the trees fall down, the grass get yellow and so on. It is usually rainy or only showery season with awful wind. Sometimes in the morning they can be fogs. Days in autumn get shorter and it gets dark soon. Autumn is typical season for mushrooming.
    Winter starts on the twenty-first of December according the calendar but the first frosts usually come earlier. In winter everything is covered by white snow and the lakes ponds and streams are frozen over. For children it is very nice season – they can make snowballs and skating on ice and so on. But for drivers I think winter is the worst season – the roads are cover with snow and ice, along the roads are piled up the snowdrifts and it is very dangerous. In winter are very often cars accidents.
    If I would have to say my favourite season I can’t do it because love all of the. I try to explain it. In summer I like the first sun shining and fresh flowers. In summer I love the high temperature and bathing in ponds, rivers, likes or sea. I like autumns because everything is coloured and I have my birthday in autumn so I get some presents. In winter I love snow and winter sports.

    Subtropical zone is much warmer than our moderate one. There aren’t so sold weather but there is rainy weather especially during the winter period. This zone is famous for growing subtropical fruits. The temperature in winter is about twenty degrees high without snow. Summers are very warm and dry.
    Tropical zone is typical for long, very hot and dry summer. It lasts all year. The countries in tropical zone suffer from draughts which changes with periods of heavy rains. This zone is the zone of often natural disaster for example hurricanes or tropical thunderstorms. There live many tropical animals here. There are regions of tropical jungles but also regions of deserts.

    Both our country and Great Britain are situated in moderate zone. But the weather is very different in these two countries because The Czech Republic is influenced by the continent and Great Britain is influenced by the ocean and by the Golf Stream. It means we have big differences between summers and winters (as I mentioned earlier) while in Great Britain it is completely different. The average temperature is about fourteen degrees above zero. There aren’t too big differences between summer and winter. For Britain is typical rainy and misty weather.

    In Europe we have two times. The basic time is measured from Greenwich. In Britain they have one hour little than we have. If we have eight o’clock a.m. they have seven o’clock a.m.

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