
Our world

So we can talk about people, animals, living in a town or in a village, environment, nature and pollution of it ,an about protection of environment and I would like to say something about global problems.


People have a responsibility to protect animals. It is very often that people have some pets but it is also very often they don’t look after them properly. But some people love their pets more than their family and another people. Every pet needs your care, love and time for example if you have a dog you have to do the exercises with him, go for a walk with him, he needs a lot of space and so on. Having a dog is a great fun, you don’t feel lonely and I also think if you are in a dangerous your will protect you.
Sometimes people abandon their pets –it is usually when the pets grow up. These pets and animals must to survive on streets, they are starving and they suffer from many diseases.
People also protect animals in the ZOOs but sometimes they are kept in small cages and look very miserable.


If you live in a village you can have more pets (and of course domestic animals)     than in a town. Living in a village is an opposite of a living in a tow. Both town and village have many advantages and disadvantages. Now I will tell you some of them.
Living in I village
Villages are peaceful and calm places. You can feel more free and safer than in towns. They aren’t so crowded, dirty and noisy as towns. You shouldn’t feel stressed there. If you are living in a village you can have a large garden and spend your free time with working in it, plant there fruit and vegetables, you can also breed domestic animals.
But as AI mentioned earlier there are also some disadvantages of living in a village for example you must commute to work, school, doctors and so on.
Living in a town or in a city
The life in a city is busier and more exciting than the life in a village. There are many possibilities how you can spend your free time, there are taken place cultural events in towns. But there are a lot of traffic, the life here is more dangerous and stressful than the life in a calm village. And you must to breathe much polluted air. In towns there are concentrated industry which pollute and destroy our nature and environment.


     Man is changing the world environment. Develompent of technologies can improve our life
(it makes it easier) but it can damage our nature and even life on our planet. The pollution effects water, air, woods, forests and plants, animals, people and of course soil. Nowadays the environment is seriously damaged and the situation is getting worse every day.
    The destruction started when the number of population was growing. People hadn’t to live anywhere, to eat anything and so on. They wanted to change their life, the wanted it easier and they thought off new inventions which pollute and destroy the environment and whole our planet.
    The pollution of the Earth is caused by industry, agriculture, traffic and households. The factories give their waste into the atmosphere, rivers, seas and oceans. The waste consists of harmful chemicals, smoke, dust, vapours and other elements. Agriculture farms use chemicals, pesticides, insecticides which are very bad for the nature. Traffic produces harmful emissions, needs more and more oil and petrol. However households mean a big problem for the world because people use various detergents for cleaning their house, kitchen utensils as a fridge and freezer work on the base of Freon which is a harmful gas which is dangerous especially for the Ozone-layer. All these chemicals and processes effect air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and noise.
    I would like to mention something more about air pollution. The biggest problem with air is in large cities, especially in regions with heavy industry where are lots of factories and heavy traffic. The facts which cause the air pollution are cars and lorry exhausts and smoke from factory chimneys.
This pollution leads to climate changes. It can be as an acid rain which damages plants, trees but also water and buildings. It is very dangerous for us because trees are very important –they produce oxygen which is necessary to breathe. Trees are often called
“the lungs of the Earth”. Oxygen is produces especially by rain forest which are destroyed in the present. The largest one is Amazonia Rain Forest which produces about fifty per cents of oxygen on our planet.
The temperature of the air is still higher and higher. If the temperature rise the icecaps melt and it effects that the sea level will rise which causes world floods. The result of this rising temperature is green house effect. Man made emissions can destroy the ozone layer. It protects our planet from penetrating ultra violet rays. The ozone layer is getting thin and thin and now there are some holes in it. These holes mean big dangerous for us, animals and plants. We can get some diseases especially skin cancer.
    Of course all these changes influence not only people but as well animals and plants. I have read that animals living higher in the mountains go blinds because many ultra violet rays can go through the ozone layer.
     But there are several possibilities how we can protect and save our nature. They are especially in transport and at homes. We should use less our cars and more walking, go by bike or use public transport. If you need your car you should use unleaded petrol. At home we can sort the waste. We could have several special bags for glass, paper and plastic. The waste can be recycled and reused in another form. As I mentioned earlier we shouldn’t use harmful chemicals for washing and cleaning. In agriculture and in the gardens we shouldn’t use any fertilizers because they can damage soil and water in it. We should plant trees and bushes and everybody should take care of their house and its surroundings. We should accept 3Rs if we want save the environment. It means reduce energy, reuse glass paper and so on and recycle.


In the world there aren’t only problems connected with nature and environment but there are also global problems like starving, overcrowded world, a lack of natural sources, wars and terrorism, incurable diseases, obesity, alcohol and drugs, crime, abortion and euthanasia.
    Millions people in the world are starving especially in development countries which are often called “countries of the third world”. I have on my mind for example Africa, China and India. These parts are usually overpopulated too. In the whole world live about six billion people. Scientists predict that in 2050 there will live more than ten billion people in the world. We will run out of sources of minerals, drinking water, food, land and so on. Some states are still warring. I think everybody is afraid of terrorist attacks especially after the 11th of September 2001 when terrorists destroy twins buildings in USA.

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