
At the doctor

People should take care of their health. For example they can do sports, eat healthy food which should consist of a lot fruits and vegetables it is very good for health because it contains many vitamins. If you want to be really healthy and feel well you shouldn’t of course smoke, eat so much to not be obesity and drink a lot of alcohol. But a little alcohol can be healthy for example in beer there vitamins and red wine is good for blood pressure. Some people also bath in icy water and visit sauna to have healthy heart.
I do my best to be healthy – for example I eat lots of vegetables and fruits and do many sports. Sports are my hobby number one.
But sometimes everybody fall ill. It is very unpleasant because you shouldn’t nearly anything. If you are ill you feel exhausted very often. And you should immediately visit you GP (general practitioner).
    In our country everybody must be insurance with some medical insurance company. We have several different these companies in the Czech Republic however the most popular is the General Medical Insurance Company. If you become a member of some insurance company you get its card which you must always show to a doctor at your visit.
    There exist two kind of medical care in our country. It means a state and a private care. Each citizen can choose from these possibilities which one he want use.
If you decide for the state care you don’t usually pay anything for the medical help. But if you decide for the private one you must usually pay for everything.
As I mentioned earlier people who feel that they fall ill they should visit their GP. I think that’s better to call to the ordinary and book before the visit because you shouldn’t wait so long for the examination. If come to a waiting room you must wait for a nurse who usually wants you to give her your insurance card. Later she calls your name and invites you in the ordinary. In ordinary there is your doctor who examines you and usually asks you some questions. After that he decides for some treatment. When your illness isn’t serious he usually prescribes you some medicaments like pills, drops or ointment and recommends you to stay at home in your bad for a few days. With the prescription you must go to the pharmacy and buy your medicaments. Some medicaments you must pay some of them are free of charge. If your illness is more serious the doctor sent you to some specialist or to a hospital for more detailed examination or special care. It can mean x-ray, operation, special injections and so on.
    I think I have a big luck because I am not often ill. Sometimes I catch a cold or some flu, sometimes I have a headache or toothache but I think it isn’t too serious diseases. Of course when I was a child I suffered from typical children diseases – for example I had chicken-pox. Every child must go to regularly check-ups when they are for example vaccinated against tuberculosis, tetanus and whooping cough.  I am happy and lucky that I shouldn’t visit doctor very often because both my mother and my father are doctors.
    I think people in each country suffered from some typical diseases. In our country it is especially obesity, high blood pressure and heart-attack which are connected with bad eating habits. More people still suffered from cancer of different kind.  Unfortunately cancer is very often fatal diseases.
People especially in countries of “third world” suffered from AIDS.
Nowadays many illnesses and diseases disappeared thanks to the vaccination but there appeared new ones which are difficult to cure today.
    In the case of an accident people should be able to provide the first aid to keep the injured people alive and they should immediately call an ambulance. The phone number of the ambulance in our country is 155. The first aid is taught from basic schools to secondary ones.

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