
Great britain

The official name of this country is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
    The country spreads on many islands in the north-west Europe. The biggest islands are Great Britain and Ireland but there are many others smaller islands for example The Isle of Man, The Isle of Wight, The Hebrides Islands, The Orkney Islands and the Shelter Islands. Great Britain is separated from Europe by the English Channel. The country is surrounded by the sea for example the North Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
    Great Britain isn’t too large country. It covers about two hundred and forty-five thousands square kilometres.
    The kingdom is divided into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England.
    The most of the surface is flat. Only in Scotland, Northern England and Wales there are hills which are about a thousand meters high. Two highest hills are Ben Nevis and Snowdon.
Britain has several interesting rivers but they are mostly short and not very deep. The most important is the river Thames which is navigable and so London is the biggest British port. The names of others rivers are Avon, Tweet, Severn and Tine.
In the hilly countryside in Wales and Northern Ireland you can find beautiful lakes. The most famous is Loch ness which is known for Loch ness monster.
    Britain is situated in moderate zone but the weather is influenced by ocean and by the Golf stream.
The average temperature is about fourteen degrees above zero. There aren’t too big differences between summer and winter. The warmest part of Great Britain is Cornwall.
    Britain is dankly populated country. It has about sixty million people. Most of them are the English origin then the Scottish, the Walsh and the Iris. But there are as well many minorities – especially from British ex-colonies. So Britain is a big mixture of the races and the nations.
    This country is highly developed industrial country with very good agriculture.
Industry is concentrated in the large cities and its surroundings like London, Birmingham, Manchester,
New Castle and Glasgow. Britain is specialized on food, textile, chemical and pharmacy industry but there is as well car industry, electronic, engineering and so on.
Agriculture is based on the private farms but very few people work in agriculture – it is only about one and half per cent of the whole population. Important part of agriculture is fishing. Britain has really big production of food. They grow potatoes, wheat, barley, adds, sugar beats, strawberries and raspberries. They breed sheep, picks, horses, poultry and cattle.
    The capital of Great Britain is London. It is the largest city and port of the country.
    Great Britain is the constitutional monarchy but they haven’t a written constitution. The official head of the country is the Queen Nowadays it is the queen Elizabeth the Second. Real political power is in the hand of Prime minister, his cabinet and in the hand of the parliament. The parliament has two chambers called the House of Lords and the House of Commons. In Britain there are two political parties – the liberal party and the conservative party. In these days they have liberal government with the Prime Minister Tony Blair.
    The history of the country is very long and very rich. Originally the country was settled by the Celts. The most famous tribe of the Celts was the Britains who gave a name to the country.
 In the first century before Christ Britain was occupied by the Romans. They stated here until the fourth century a.d. however they didn’t capture the whole country because of the strong resistance of the Celts. So the Romans had to build Hadrian’s Wall in the Northern part of England as a protection against the northern tribes. After the Romans started the invasions of Germany tribes of the Anglos and the Saxons. They pushed the Celts in the north and in the west – it was in the fifth century when the King Arthur ruled.  Later came the Jutas, Danes and Vikings from the north.
British history is full of good kings and queens however I began with William Conqueror. He won the battle at Hastings in ten sixty-six and later he made from Britain a powerful feudal state.
Another important king in history was Henry the eight who ruled in sixteenth century. He separated Britain from Rome and established the English church and became its head. After Henry his daughter
Elisabeth the first meant a big progress for Britain. During her rane Britain developed and flourished. She made from her country the biggest sea power. Against it queen Victoria established from Great Britain the biggest colonial empire.
Britain took part in both world wars
Since the Roman times it has never been occupied however during the Second World War the country was seriously damaged by the Nacist bombing.
Today the queen of Great Britain is Elisabeth the second who is an excellent queen but she has no political power.

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