
Cultural life in our town

Cultural life in our town isn’t so rich as in large cities but there are several possibilities how you can spend and enjoy your leisure time. There are organized a few kinds of cultural events here like concerts, performances, exhibitions, fairs and shows.
    Our town has two cinemas. The older one is called “Oko”. Here you can watch especially old films. The second cinema is a part of our cultural house which name is “Ostrov”. In this cinema are played new commercial films. I don’t visit cinema very often because I have many others hobbies and so little free time and I also think that the entrance money are expensive. If I go to the cinema I prefer Czech films to Americans one because I like Czech actors and I think Czech films are very interesting.
    Unfortunately our town hasn’t its own theatre but there is one theatre society. Its name is “A Divadlo”. Sometimes come in our town theatre societies from other towns. The performances are shown on the stage of our cultural house. I like going to the theatre but I didn’t go there very often because I have nobody who can and want go with me.
    In this cultural house dancing lessons, balls, concerts and book fair are also held.
Two years ago I attended the dancing lessons here. We learned both standard dances and Latin-American dances and some modern ones.
Every year I visit several balls I like the atmosphere at the balls-everybody has so beautiful robe. I can be there with my friends, have a chat with them and of course dance with them.
Every year in the autumn the Book fair is held here. I like visiting it there are lots of books there. You can buy there all kinds of book -some book for children, textbooks, cookery books and so on.
Beside the Book fair every year you can visit fair of crafts, Christmas market which are taken place in the square and garden show in the surroundings of the cultural house.
    As I mentioned earlier there are held some concerts here in our town both concerts of classic music and of popular music. The concerts of classic music are taken place in our town hall or in some churches. In the churches the concerts are held especially before the Christmas or some others holidays. The concerts of popular music are taken place at the sport stadium or in some clubs.
    In our town there is also a picture gallery which is specializes in book illustrations. I don’t visit it but when I attend my basic school we went there regularly.
Visitors of our town can visit a regional museum or a museum of Karel Havlíček Borovský in his house.
    I think there are more ways to enjoy cultural life in our town. For example children can attend
School of art in Smetana’s square. In this school they learn especially panting and playing musical instruments.
Our town has quite big library where you can borrow specialist books, books for children, magazines, novels and also CDs. I go there quite often. If I have a little time when I am in the town I always visit our library. Beside the library there are several bookshops in our town. The most I like bookshop Vysočina which is joint with a café.
If I am speaking about cultural life in our town I needn’t forget for sports events. There are quite new winter stadium in our town where you can visit hockey match. Our hockey club is named after our beer Rebel.
     I think everybody can find his way to enjoy cultural life of town Havlíčkův Brod.

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