
The czech republic

The Czech republic is situated in central Europe. The Czech Republic is surrounded by four neighbours. It borders on Germany in the west, Austria in the south, Slovakia in the east and Poland in the north.
    Our country is about seventy-nine square kilometres large.
    The surface of Czech Republic is so variety. You can find here both mountains and lowlands.
Czech mountains are spread mostly on the border. They form the natural borders of our country. The most famous are the Giant Mountains where is situated our highest mountain which is named Sněžka. It is one hundred six thousand and two meters high. The others famous mountains are for example Šumava, Beskydy and Jeseníky.
Lowlands spread especially along the rivers, for example along the river Elb and Moravia.
Our town Havlíčkův Brod is situated in the Czech-Moravian Highlands which is a potato region.
There are several important rivers in our country for example the Vltava, the Elb, the Morava and I needn’t the Sázava because it goes through our town. On some of these rivers were constructed dams. On the river Vltava you can find several dams for example Orlík, Slapy and Lipno.
 In the south of Bohemia there is an area with artificial ponds. The largest of them is Svět and Rožmberk.
    We have continental moderate climate. It means differences between winter and summer. Winters are very cold with lots of snow. Opposite that summers are hot and dry. For this climate four seasons are typical –spring, summer, autumn and winter.
    The Czech Republic has more than ten millions people. The most of them are of Czech origin but there are as well a few national minorities like Germany and Slovakia. All minorities live in border areas.
    We are industrial country with developed agriculture. The industry is mostly concentrated in the towns. In our country is especially food, textile, chemical and car industry. The agriculture flourishes in the lowland and in the highlands. Czech agriculture is based on private farms. We grow potatoes, corns, sugar cane and in southern Moravia grapes and fruits. We breed picks, cattle and poultry.
    The capital of the Czech Republic is Prague. It is our largest city. Prague is situated in the centre of  the Czech Republic on the both banks of the river Vltava.
    We are constitutional democracy. The head of our country is president Václav Klaus. He should only represent our country he hasn’t real power. The politic power is in the hands of our prime minister and our government. The Czech Republic became a member of the European Union and the NATO.
    The history of our country goes back to the fifth century a.d.
Originally our country was settled by Celts. The tribe of the Celts living in our area was named Bojové. Our country is named Bohemia after this tribe.
The Slavonic came to our country in the fifth century a.d.  Later in the seventh century they founded Sámo’s empire which was the first Slavonic state. In the ninth century there was established here the Great Moravian Empire.
The most important dynasty in our early history was a dynasty of Přemysels.
We have a lot of important kings during the history but I would like mention Charles the fourth. He ruled in the fourteenth century. During his rule our country developed and flourished. It became rich and famous in Europe. Charles the fourth also founded university in our country in 1348.
Another very famous king was Rudolf Habsburský who ruled in sixteenth century. He supported the science. Our country was a part of the Austria-Hungarian Empire. In 1919 we became an independence state. Unfortunately in 1939 we were occupied by German and in 1948 the power in our state was taken by Communists. It was finished in 1989 by revolution. Since that we are democratic country. Our first democratis president was Václav Havel.

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