

Canada is situated in the north of the continent of North America.
It borders on the USA in the south and it is surrounded by the oceans – the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Arctic Ocean in the north.
    Canada is the second large country in the world. It covers almost ten million square kilometres.
    In the west of the country there are the mountains called the Cordilleras with the highest mountain Mount Logan. The prairies and planes spread in the central part. The lowlands are situated around the Hudson Bay.
Canada is very rich in lakes, for example it is Great Bear Lake, Great Have Lake, Winipack Lake and Ontario with the famous Niagara Falls. In Canada there are as well several important rivers. The most important and famous from them are the Saint Lawrence River, the Columbia and the Youcon.
    In the north there is an arctic climate and along the borders there is a mild climate. The coasts are influenced by the oceans.
    The original populations of Canada were Indians and Eskimos. The Indians live in reservations today while the Eskimos still occupy the northern part of the country. Nowadays the population of Canada consists of the English, French and others minorities. Together there live about twenty-eight million people. The density is very low. People mostly live in the large cities in the east.
    Economy of the country is very good. Canada belongs to the richest countries in the world. It has big natural sources like natural gas, uranium, cadmium, gold, silver and coal.
Industry is concentrated in the large cities for example in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary. The main branches of industry are wood and papery industry, food, engineering and mining industry.
Canada has also very good agriculture. It is known especially for growing wheat. In Canada there are many green houses where the vegetable is grown.
    The capital of Canada is Ottawa. It isn’t too large city. It is the seat of the government and parliament. The Canadians parliament has two parts – the House of Commons and the senate. The official head of the country is the British queen who represented by the gouverner general. The real politic power is in the hands of Prime Minister and his cabinet. Canada is divided into English and French part and it is consist of ten provinces and three territories. It means that Canada is the bilingual country so it has two official languages – English and French. Most of the French people in province called Quebec; the second largest French city is Montreal.
Canada was discovered in 1497 by JOHN CABOT who was English seamen. The first settlers of Canada were the French in the seventh century. Later came the English and Canada became the British Colony. In 1867 Canada Became the First dominium in the British empire.

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