
English literature

-Old English  is old form of English. This English is written in the Anglo-Saxen language 
                            (10th century)
    Aelfnic-author of old English prose
    Beowulf-anonyms, is the oldest heroic poem
 -the main hero-a young , who lived in Scandinavia. He lead the fight with a horrible monster ,Grendel´ and he killed it in a kingshall. Then he had to kill monster´s mother in under the sea and he started rulling people. Later he had to destroy dragon, he killed it, but died himself. The poem ends with his funneral.
-Middle English is English of the middle ages (5th-15th century)
    Geoffrey Chaucer-father of English poetry
                              -Canterbury Tales- it is a series of 23 poems (stories), it is about Pilgrims, who travelled from London to Canterbury, Pilgrims are people of all social groups (knight, housewife, cook, sailor, mill, lawyer,..)
-Renaissance especially William Shakespeare, then Christopher Marlowe, John Lyly, Ben     
   Jonson, Edmund Spenser
-17th century – it was very harsh, hard time, because this century was full of fights-Monarchy
  (Charles I., Church of England)×Republic (Oliver Cromwell, Puritans) -> it lead to Civil war and it lasted nearly ½ a century (40 years) -> 1660 restorations started - O. Cromwell was leader of war, he beheaded Charles I., but in the end, people beheaded Cromwell too, so Charles II. come from France and started with restoration
John Milton-Paradise Lost-poem is about losing ideas and illusions
-18th century –the century of inventimes, of industry, of stability. It is the time of literary Greaters.It´s named Golden Age of prose
 Henry Fielding-novel History of Tom Jones
 Daniel Defoe-Robinson Crusoe
 Jonathan Swift- Gulliver´s Travels – the main hero is Gulliver, who shipwracked on
  his voyage and met different creatures-little ones and big ones
-British Romanticism- the sekond half of 18th century
    Sir Walter Scott- Ivanhoe, Waverley-historical theme-he thought his countrymen to be
proud of Scottish history and language
Robert Burns-he was born on 21/1 and today this day is national holiday
                  -poem A Red, Red Rose, Auld long syze (Večírek na rozloučenou)-theme of folk traditions
 Lord George Gordon Byron-Childe Harold´s Pilgrimage-theme of ancient history
 William Wordsworth-theme of nature (especially the Lake District)
 Percy Bysshe Shelley-he was anarchist--theme of revolt
                               -poem The Mask Of Anarchy
                               -his wife Mary Shelley written short story Frankenstein
 John Austin-theme of love and position woman in society
                  -novels Pride and Prejudice, Emma,  Sense and Sensibility
-19th century: -the time of Victorian´s reign, time of realism, Great Britain became a very
   rich country, because of colonies and industry
   Charlotte Brontë-Jane Eyre
   Emily Brontë-Wuthering Heights
   Carrol- Alice in Wonderland
 Oscar Wilde- fairytales The Happy Prince, The Nightingale and the Rose and his plays
                The Picture of Doryan Gray, The Importanceof Being Earnest
 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle-he created a literatury figure Sherlock Holmes and captain Watson

Charles Dickens-the greatest author of realism and social critism (he came from a very
poor family), all his work is about poor people, novels Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Great Expectations, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
    Rudyard Kipling-The Jungle Book
-20th century: -century of two world wars and politoval changes in all countries   
 (hippie movement, immigration waves)
-Angry young men-they were angry with society
 John Osbourne-play Look Back in Anger
 Salman Rushdie-Sataniet Verse
 Kingsley Amis-novel Lucky Jim
 Agatha Christie-play Mousetrap
 Virginia Woolf-novel To the Lighthouse
 George Bernard Shaw-Pygmalion
 Samuel Beckett-Waiting for Godot
 William holding-Lord of the Flies
 George Orwell-novel The Animal Farm
 J.R.R.Tolkien-The Lord of the Rings and  Rowling´s Harry Potter

The British writers who were awarded the Nobel Prize for literature:
    1907-R. Kipling
    1923-W. B. Yeats
    1925-G. B. Shaw
    1932-J. Galsworthy
    1948-T. S. Eliot
    1950-B. Russell
    1953-W. L. Churchill
    1969-S. Beckett
    1981-E. Canetti
    1983-W. Holding
    1995-S. Heaney
    2001-V. Surray (Nailpaul)

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